Blackbeard aka Edward Teach


Blackbeard is the most notorious pirate of all time. Here are a few facts:

Surnames: Edward Teach, Edward Thatch

Rank: Captain

Born: 1680 (presumed), Bristol, England

Died: November 22, 1718 in Ocracoke Island, NC

Weapons of choice: Sword, Cutlass, Pistol

Ships: Queen Anne's Revenge, The Adventure

Cause of death: Blackbeard was killed in action. He was shot 5 times and cut about 20.

Who killed him? British Lieutenant Robert Maynard and his men.

Was his head cut off? Yes. He was decapitated and his body was thrown into the inlet. His his head was tied to the bowsprit of Maynard's sloop. On their return to Virginia, Blackbeard's head was placed on a pole at the entrance to the Chesapeake Bay for several years as a warning to other pirates.



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